I am looking to interview a bisexual person for a school assignment. I hate to say it, but I do not know a single person who is bisexual. Would anyone be willing to help?

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Do you think evolution plays a role in sexuality?

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Do you think that most men are homophobic because they worry that they will be placed in a lower status position if they are associated with homosexuals?

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Hi, I'm doing an interview project for my LGBT History class at school and I need to interview someone from the LGBT community but since I'm new to the city I don't really know anybody and I'm not very good at approaching people about things like this. So if you can just answer a few ...

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Hi. 20 year old girl from Norway here. I have a question about either or not I'm a lesbian. When I watch porn, i only watch girl-on-girl, because thats really the only thing that gets me turned on. I´ve read that that may be because we can compare to the feelings and stuff the female´s in ...

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Hi everyone, I have a question I'm not sure about how to answer. I've been with only women my life, although not many, just being 20 years old, but I'm fit, cute and that stuff. And I love being in a relationship with another woman. But recently I thought about the idea of receiving a ...

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Is a little bleeding after anal sex normal? My husband and I had anal sex last night and there was nobbleeding but this morning I noticed A little blood streaked mucous it's not painful and it was a. Small amount. Is this okay? Should I be very worried?

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How do you know if you're gay ? Is this how you feel ? the media

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When my mother died and my father left us, I was 15 and my little brother was 10. I quit school, got a job, and provided income and care to raise my brother for 4 yrs until our father came back. I thought my brother and I were close. But, he has come out of ...

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Hello! I've tagged my self as heterosexual all my life, but as I've started going to college I start doubting my sexuality. I was little asocial so I started exploring other things as tranny webcams. On the first occasion I did not like them, I did find them funny (like clowns) but as time went ...

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