Would You Ever Want to Switch Bodies to a Guy?
So, I have a huge crush on a classmate. He is straight and absolutely no one knows I'm gay. My family, my friends, and his family are all straight up Christians. So if I tell him, i will be shunned by everyone I know. What do I do? I freaking fantasize about him and it's driving me crazy. Please ...
I'm doing a documentary on gay people. I was wondering if it was hard growing up for a gay person based on their personal experience. I know there's bullying everywhere, but have you ever been beaten or name-called for being gay? also, when and why did you decide to come out?
What is the "Don't ask, Don't tell policy? I've heard about it, especially in the Military. I hope to be in the military one day, will me being gay affect that?
How come I don't have "GAY" friends ?
Hope nobody's going to get mad at me here for asking this, but it's not about Gay issues. I simply DO NOT have anyone else to ask. My youngest son is 9. He is a physically beautiful person, and rather...non-gender-looking. He's just pretty, period, and that's it. Females love him, and seem to find him ...