My mom doesn't know I'm bisexual, but shes always making gay jokes, and to sum it all up rude comments about gay people. I try to explain that she's just being mean and shouldn't judge people, but she doesn't listen, and it hurts me a lot! Help? [bra_info_box style="rectangle" color="blue" title="AMW" desc="I don't know how ...
Help me understand something. Why is it that when you see parades, etc. with gay & lesbian participants, they are skimpily dressed, wearing brash makeup and sometimes exhibiting lewd behavior. I want to be accepting of the gay pride, but as a church person, I don't understand this behavior. Thank you for your insight. [bra_info_box ...
Okay...I am a heterosexual female and have questions and concerns about gay men. I've tried to understand it, believing that maybe these men were born this way. Why am I concerned? Well, it seems that more and more men are "turning" gay...almost like it's the "cool", "popular" thing to do now days. Since the sitcom ...
What are your opinions of gay marriage. Should it be legal? If yes, how can we legalize it? [bra_info_box style="rectangle" color="blue" title="Val" desc=" Thanks for the question. Yes, gay marriage should be legal. It is the only ethical answer to your question. Gay people should be afforded the same equal protection under the law as straight ...