I have been talking to a lesbian in Ireland for about six months now. We have become incredibly close, even considering dating. She means the world to me! We decided to send each other a package. I would love some advice on what to send her! We are very alike; we're both into vintage anything, ...

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I am a boy who has a girl soul. All these years I was hiding it. I hate to live like this. I don't like boys . I mean a relationship. I have lot of friends (boys and girls). I am comfortable with them. but none of them know about my gender problem. I want to tell a friend (a girl) about this. I ...

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Hi, I've never really been into guys all that much, but there were a few who have stood out, but I was never sure if I was actually attracted to them. I never thought about it much until recently. I met a new girl at school, and we got closer because of a mutual friend. ...

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This is something I've been struggling a lot with. So let me preface this. I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing inherent about one's biological sex that determines personality. Whether you have XX or XY chromosomes (or other, in the case of some genetic disorders) is not a factor that contributes to personality ...

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What is the best way to find a feminine woman to date if I have tried online dating and lesbian bars and had zero luck? I am a feminine gay woman as well.

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What city to move to? I am a feminine gay woman who grew up and have spent most of my life living in the south. I moved to San Francisco for work and found a freedom and acceptance I could only have dreamed of experiencing. Recently because of several different reasons I have had to ...

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What do I do if I come out to my school and everyone starts to hate me?

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How do I imply to friends that I'm a lesbian without shoving it in their face? I'm a quiet person but it's hard to tell if the women I meet are interested in women and I don't want to make them uncomfortable by outright saying I'm a lesbian within moments of meeting.

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Hi, I am so confused! I am attracted to women (mainly leaning towards I guess more butch) Sometimes I feel attracted to men but I always end up feeling more attracted to women. I don't know if I'm a lesbian or bi or neither. I was raised in a very religious family and just a ...

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I have come out to my friends and family and I'm thankful that mostly everyone has been accepting but when I try to get close to a woman I get so terrified that I distance myself so much I end up running away. How can I get myself to accept that it's okay to be ...

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