Hi! I'm having a ladies cocktail and I'd love to invite transgender women as well. Basically, I'd like to invite anyone who identifies as a women. I want them to feel warmly welcomed. I'm not sure how to phrase it.... Date: Tuesday Oct. 10 Where: My house for wine and cheese Who: Please HELP ME use welcoming and inclusive wording ...
Subject: Bisexual Question: its going to get a bit personal here but i'm a bisexual teen girl who's just had her first relationship with another girl and only a number of my friends who i trust know. our relationship was harder to deal with than i thought mostly because she changed schools the year before so we ...
Not merely "Terminologically", but "Authentically"? - Is a woman involved in a romantic relationship with a completely transitioned (not sure this is the correct terminology) transgender man (one who was female but has gone through the Entire Process of masectamies, hormone shots, the sexual-organ-reassignment-surgery...(and anything else I am overlooking) in fact still considered to be ...
How would I tell my friends that I'm gay?
Alright so, I'm gay and in the closet. My friend seems to think that being gay is totally a choice. From my personal experiences, it's most definitely NOT a choice, but I can't tell him that because I'm in the closet, so I've just been arguing that many many American Medical Associations say its not ...
Some days I feel like dressing like a girl & some days I feel like dressing like a guy.. I don't know what's wrong with me. I am a girl. I need help.
The thought had never crossed my mind about being anything other than straight until quite some time ago. Over the past few years since I became a teenager I’ve developed many crushes on various females, and males but lately females are just seeming more and more attractive to me. The first relationship I had was ...