How would I tell my friends that I'm gay?

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The thought had never crossed my mind about being anything other than straight until quite some time ago. Over the past few years since I became a teenager I’ve developed many crushes on various females, and males but lately females are just seeming more and more attractive to me. The first relationship I had was ...

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I need help with this bi thing. My 17yr old virgin son told me today with his therapist that he is bi. When I asked how do you know since your a virgin, all I got was the deer in the headlights look. I want to know how I can politely ask him, if he ...

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How can I tell my friends I'm gay without me feeling uncomfortable

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I am a high school student, so still fairly young and figuring myself out. I originally thought I was straight, but now I often fantasize about men and enjoy the thought of gay sex. Girls do still turn me on. I understand it is fine to be a sexuality other than heterosexual, so I would ...

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This morning my 11 year old cousin told me she is a lesbian. I just told her "that's ok. Just be you and everything is going to be ok". She liked my answer, beamed and changed the topic. I didn't ask more questions, she didn't add a thing, so we just went on as if nothing ...

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  What to do when u find out you are gay?

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How can I tell my Christian parents I'm gay ?? Please help me

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Can your sexuality change? Because I'm scared that once I'm out of the closet I will turn straight. I have never felt anything for a woman and I didn't question if I was gay until I read on the internet that your sexuality can change. I'm 16 and this only contributes to the feeling that I can't realy know that ...

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Hey, I'm a gay 13 year old boy. Before I came out as gay with my friend (He is now my really close boyfriend) I was really popular and even had my own band. But now we are both bullied and my old friends left the band and don't speak to me anymore unless they ...

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