Is it better to shave my penis or no?
I've caught my 15 year old son sending and receiving nudes to another guy. He's told me he's bisexual. I'm having a difficult time explaining that I'm not angry with his sexuality, I'm angry with him sexting! I hope that makes sense. My question to young gay/bi people is; how common/normal is it for young ...
Hello friends! This question is for same sex parents. What's the deal on how your kids refer to you?Like, is there a problem with the kid calling "Mom!" and both parents answer? Or do kids tend to assign you different parental terms?
How can I tell my friends I'm gay without me feeling uncomfortable
Are people attracted to the way people look, or because the way people look represents what genitals the person has. Like if in a society all boys dressed the way girls dresses now, and oppopsite. would gay men be attracted to other men because dressing like a girl now represents having a penis?