I am 14 years old. I am very confused about my sexuality. There’s was this new girl and I was instantly attracted to her. Once I got to know her It felt normal, I didn’t get butterflies or anything but I kept thinking about her. I’ve gotten butterflies with a guy before, that was 2 years ago and I haven’t gotten them since. This year I found out that I lesbian girl in my grade had a huge crush on me, I also couldn’t stop thinking about her. Last night my parents were having a party and my best friend was hang out with me. We were in a closet to get away from our sisters and I couldn’t stop thinking about kissing her. At least one point this year I have thought that I was straight, lesbian, bisexual, demisexual and asexual. I have learned this year that I’m extremely hipster and I know that this is super wrong but sometimes I think that I have queer thoughts because I want to be different. Idk. I just need to know that I’m having these thoughts because I want to be different or because I’m gay.
One Comment
If you’re not forcing yourself to have those thoughts, then no, you’re not thinking those things to be different. Sounds like you’re at a point where you’re trying to figure things out. If you feel as though you’d like to do things w/ girls, then I’d say go for it and see how you like it.
But to answer you’re question: If the thoughts are coming to you naturally, then it’s not you trying to stand out, it’s you being yourself