I’m sexually attracted to a good male friend. He is 29 (I’m the same age) and still has never had sex with a woman, I don’t know if he has gay or bi feelings. I am wondering how to see if he would like to have sex with me. I have only had sex with girls. I have known him for almost 20 years but have no idea how to ask him. I am only interested in a physical not emotional relationship.
Since he is a good friend I would tell him what you have told us, that you have not had sex with a guy yet, but that you would like to, and that you would like it to be with someone special, and with no strings attached. That is a good starting point, straight forward, honest, and a very sexy quality.
I don't think it's a good idea to mess up a friendship over asking for something from someone who might be totally offended by your wants. You should ask him straight out if he is gay or bi. He could just be a virgin and just might not be ready. I don't think sex should come in between your friendship. Focus that sexual energy into someone you are sure of... A gay or bi person.
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