Gay Question and Answer Archive

So me and my currently ex bf have been dating on and off for 3 years. He lives in another town to me. We broke up the first time cause we didn’t wanna do the long distance thing. Then we would always get back and then break up. The same cycle. Then I found out around the time just before he left he was cheating on me and did in the other city when we would try long distance. I love him and I’m such a dick for loving him. But I don’t know whether to get back with him one more time. He seems to have changed. But I don’t know if I can trust him.


It's hard to hear but I feel you must move on. If he is in love with you and can't imagine living his life without you, then he will come back to you. In the meantime, you must live your life and move on. I feel that he cheated on you before and after his moving away to detach himself from the relationship. Your love is limitless and that is an exceptional quality to have. Your are trustworthy and treat your relationships honorably. You deserve no less than someone as loving and committed to you. You will find him, and when you do, it will be magical.


You cannot trust your boyfriend. The calculating, manipulative debauchee is no dummy. The long distance romance he has sought to have with you over and over again is a cleverly designed, wily ruse that he very well knows will allow him to continue his philandering. Like a hungry wolf on the prowl for its next meal, he was able to smell your willingness to serve as the next victim of his oft repeated subterfuge. He has not changed, and he will not change. Past behavior is the strongest indicator of future behavior. He has repeatedly violated the boundaries of your relationship. Drill it into your head once and for all that people do not change overnight or without a great deal of painful introspection. Forgive him for your own benefit as well as his, but refuse to continually and willingly adopt the pathology of amnesia in a desperate attempt to maintain your broken relationship. Don't fall for any more of his empty promises. Actions speak louder than words. Dump him. Have your locks changed, and make him leave his key. As Linda Ronstadt would undoubtedly tell you, “He’s no good; he’s no good; he’s no good. Baby, he’s no good. I’m gonna say it again. He’s no good; he’s no good; he’s no good. Baby, he’s no good.”

Carry on bravely.

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