Gay Question and Answer Archive

Hey, I’m 20 years old and I need your advice. I’ll start off by saying that I honestly don’t know what the hell I’m doing in regards to my sexuality, I have only ever been with girls other than in the situation I’m about to explain. I have two good friends,  they are gay and they have been dating for about 9 months, we have all known each other our whole lives but I am definitely better Friends with B. The weekend before last B and I went to party with a friend of ours, but J wasn’t feeling well so he stayed behind. Well the drinks were all passed around and B and I were sufficiently wasted, and we ended up fooling around in bed together. The next morning we woke up and our friend made breakfast and nothing was awkward. Then on the car ride home he told me that while we both had our fun J didn’t need to know. I instantly felt bad, not only was it my first time with a guy but, that guy was my best friend who was already taken. The week went on and I stopped worrying about it I figured that everyone is allowed to experiment and that J would never know. Then at lunch on wednesday Bentley continued to underhandedly bring up bisexuality and experimenting and people who were “sticking their dick out of the closet.” I could tell that J was wondering what the hell was going on, and every time we are all together it seems like B is trying to just let it slip into conversation. When its just me and B there is definitely sexual tension between us and I’m not the only one who thinks so, others in our group of friends have asked us whats going on, but we just brush it off. Now fast forward to today he says he wants to go back up to Atlanta just the two of us so that we can pick back up where we left off. I know that I should say no for J’s sake but I kinda want to. That being said I also explained to him that his boyfriend and my friend wouldn’t approve and he just acted like he didn’t hear me. ! What do  I do? This is one of the most complicated situations of my life!

One Comment

  1. Val Sep 6, 2012 at 10:02

    You should be honest with J, and let him know what you did. It’s quite possible that you may lose a friendship over this. Ask yourself this, how would you feel, if the same thing were done to you? Integrity and truth are strong foundations to showcase your character as you get older.


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