Gay Question and Answer Archive

Hi, I think my partner may be gay. I think he knows it too but has been hiding it for years. When we first met, he was very sexual with me and tried to get me to do many things..and even admitted to doing a lot of gay things, going to bars. I have since caught him on gay personal sites, seen emails from men wanting to hook up again, during sex once he said lets imagine there is a guy on either side of us, while he masturbated cos having sex with me didn’t give him an orgasm that day, he is in hairdressing industry and worked with gays most of his life, he knows so much about gay lifestyle m sometimes brags about it when we watch tv. My main concern is that he doesn’t want sex..and finds ways to avoid it by blaming me…so we aren’t affectionate or having sex for over 2 years..maybe 8 times during that time, all my initiation…but i can see he looks well, radiant., not like someone not having sex…like me. I don’t get how he has no desire for me, we are both highly sexual…and now tonight he is going to a known gay bar cos his ex girlfriend owns the bar and he has set up for his cousin to play there as a favor to his ex…I told him isn’t he worried its a gay bar..he said its not a gay bar and that that area of melbourne has gays everywhere…he isn’t worried. Every time I bring up having sex he gets angry turns it around on me and says if i wasn’t such an arsehole we’d have sex..but even on nights we don’t fight, he still doesn’t do anything. I don’t get it at all. Im so frustrated…and at wits end…He is a womanizer and flirts with everyone, but doesn’t want sex…I think this is his cover for his love of men. He told me ages ago men arouse him..he has been to mens spas…done everything imaginable. Even once went to a supermarket and 2 gay guys recognized him, they whispered to each other. BUt my partner tried to avoid them and wouldn’t look at them when I said they were looking at him. I think he is secretly having a gay sex life behind my back…and is using me for appearances as i got pregnant to him and he finally has a family at 48. He was married to a women for 7 years before me, no kids…but it ended because he had an emotional affair with another women…which was sexual some of the time. He has already cheated on me for first 8 months of our relationship… before I got pregnant, something I found out when I moved in pregnant into his house. At the moment… I kicked him out of house for 6 weeks now and he is coming back in next week. he wants to be together, but I don’t get why as he spends little time with me and has no sex with me. I want to move out, but need to be sure,, is he just someone who has had a lot of different sex, is bisexual..i know he has bedded over 1000 women..he is very charming… but I believe he is secretly having gay sex his whole life…and uses sleeping with lots of women as a cover.. I need to make a decision to stay and work at making our life better or just going..I’m at the end of it… Please help me.


I think your instincts are correct here. As painful as your realizations are now and how difficult the road may be ahead for you, you must keep reminding yourself that this has nothing to do with you. Please don't feel that he is acting this way sexually because you are not attractive enough to turn him on or that your behavior in any way is causing him to push away. It is his own internalized homophobia and self loathing that drive his activities and how honest he is with you and the people who come into contact with him. It shows a complete lack of character on his part. Coming out and living our lives openly and honestly with integrity and a good moral compass is hard for all of us, and the fact that he and other gay men for that matter, conduct themselves in this manner with a seemingly complete disregard for the carnage they leave behind is appalling. It casts a bad reflection on our community, perpetuating the notion that there is something so wrong with being gay that we have to concoct these double lives to try and fool people while we carry on with our back-room gay sexual dalliances. If he is gay, which I believe he is based on what you have written, then he will continue sleeping with men. It is doubtful he will stop or change his ways. We can't just change being gay. It would be like you never having sex again with another man. Good luck, be safe, and I'm sorry that you were put into this position unknowingly.





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