Gay Question and Answer Archive

Hi I am 17 and I am in a gay relationship. I wish to know what are some ways to improve a relationship. We are current. We are together without either of our parents knowing (most likely do they just dont want to say anything) both our familys have gay family members and they are accepting but we aren’t ready to go public with our relationship. My mother knows I’m gay but his mother doesn’t nor his father. What are some ways to improve a relationship like this?

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  1. Shaina Apr 29, 2012 at 20:19

    Hey, i don’t know if my opinion will help u at all because i am a straight girl, but out of all the gay relationships I have seen my best advice would be to first have him come out to his family. If you say they would be excepting than he has nothing to worry about. Then tell only your familie’s or parents about your relationship, but make sure they know to keep it to themselves. This would probably make your relationship a lot easier when you can be yourselves at home, and not worry about what your family may be thinking. It would probably also take away the stress of having to try and not act like a couple, u could just BE a couple. Acting on your emotions(like cuddling or holding hands) can make your relationship seem more romantic too. If you aren’t ready to be public take your time, but having an accepting family might make things easier then u r just out at home.
    If you really do NOT want to come out with the relationship yet, your boyfriend should still probably tell his parents seperately, That might make it easier for them when you do open up your relationship to them. Plus be honest about everything with your boyfriend. Make sure you guys are still acting like a couple even out of sight, because pretending your not a couple is going to make your relationship strained and stressful, because you will never feel like a couple. I hope this helped some? Good Luck, and congrats on your boyfriend. Maybe you can give your opinion on my question since it hasn’t been answered yet. Mine is the one about being straight but doesn’t know if the guy i like is gay. Complicated. Anyway I wish you and your boyfriend the best with everything! =)


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