General Question and Answer Archive

I am a straight heterosexual woman and have a question. I have a gay co-worker/supervisor who teases me a lot, in a friendly flirtatious way. I noticed that he doesn’t do this with my other co-workers. If he were straight, I’d consider it flirting and think that he was interested in me. Anyway, I sort of look forward to seeing him and like him a lot. Now, I have a crush on him (but I know he’s gay) but I can’t help feeling that way…because he’s cute, has a fun personality and I’m straight. I wouldn’t feel this way, if he didn’t give me this attention. Why would a gay man give lots of attention/flirtation to a straight woman? Thanks!


First question, does his flirting bothering you? If it does ask him to stop. Now that I have my human resource experience out of my system here is my fun response.

Just enjoy his energy. You must be one cool chick to catch the clever gay man's eye and sense of humor. Erase the crush idea out of your head. It will take away the fun and just you will get hurt. Some gay guys love to flirt with EVERYONE. Some don't. Remember he is gay and you are straight. Also, he may treat everyone else the same way but your point of view may be influenced by your new crush. Again, let the crush go.


You are benefiting from your co-worker’s enviable skill of making people of all genders and sexual orientations feel good about themselves because your own very winning personality has authentically charmed him. If a gift horse offers you friendship, don’t look him in the mouth. You do, however, need to remember that this particular gift horse happens to be gay. Do not go and pull “a Liza Minelli” by marrying your newly found gay admirer in a ridiculously elaborate and expensive wedding held before God and every person you ever met in your entire life just because he is good for your ego. Just be grateful that your circle of friends is expanding and diversifying.

I wish you fair winds and following seas.


Maybe that's his way of feeling less threatening to other men, or I should say, maybe he feels less threatening if he appears to flirt with both genders.

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