General Question and Answer Archive

Hi, I’m a white male in my early 30s and finally admitting to myself that I am sexually attracted to men as well as women. Specifically, I’m attracted to black men. I’m very eager to explore this new aspect of my sexuality, either through casual relationships and perhaps eventually a romantic relationship. I’m curious to know how interracial relationships are viewed. Is it considered unusual for a white man to seek encounters with black men? Any do’s and don’ts? Sorry if its a rather vague question — any input is appreciated.


I have found that the LGBTQ community is very diverse and the topic is mute at this point just as it is in the straight community. Are there racists and bigots in the LGBTQ community? yes, just as in the straight community but generally speaking, I believe you will be accepted with your partner regardless of his race or ethnicity.



I wholeheartedly support your freedom to love whomever you want to love. Your bisexuality and desire for an interracial relationship of a romantic nature are perfectly acceptable to me despite the fact that they statistically put you in the minority of the world’s populace. I can honestly say that I have never witnessed institutional discrimination against bisexuals or interracial couples where I live. You, however, may not find the same degree of acceptance everywhere in the world. It is a harsh reality of life that our world is not yet free of hatred and discrimination, which can still be seen today in unfortunate policies enacted by California, the White House, and Israel. In California, Proposition 8, which specifically denies people the right to marry a person of the same sex, is the law of the land as of the writing of this column. President Obama, the current resident of the White House, claims to honor Martin Luther King’s valuable lessons about racial harmony, unity, and equality; but in the military arenas of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, he supports policies that are calculated to intentionally inflame tensions along ethnic lines in order to accomplish political gains favorable to the United States. More than sixty years after World War Two, which was characterized by the inhuman treatment of people because of religious and other prejudices, it is true that Israel enforces policies that prevent a Gentile from legally marrying a Jew, builds illegal housing developments intended for Jews only, holds land in trust for Jews only through the constitutionally sanctioned Jewish National Fund, maintains a “separation wall” that partitions Gentiles from Jews, openly proclaims itself to be a “Jewish state” instead of a state for all people, offers automatic citizenship only to people of Jewish ancestry, defines who is a Jew based on ancestry just as World War Two’s Nuremburg laws did, distinguishes between citizenship and nationality, and offers the greater privileges of nationality only to Jews.

Although bigotry so ugly that it is difficult to discuss does still exist in our imperfect world, it would be foolish to allow fear to guide your life, limit your capacity to love, or deter you from abiding by your inner voice of intuition. Your loving nature reveals itself in every word of your thoughtful question; and you are undoubtedly pained by flagrant injustices like the ones seen in California, the White House, and Israel. Your sexual awakening, however, is ripe with many blessings. One of those blessings is an opportunity to eradicate lingering bigotry against bisexuals and interracial couples by living your life in accordance with Gandhi’s admonition to boldly be the change you wish to see in the world. It is clear that you want to live in a world in which a bisexual male is free to love any male his heart desires even if that male happens to of a different race. Your task now is to be a bisexual male in a loving relationship with a male of a different race.

I wish you fair winds and following seas.

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