General Question and Answer Archive

I am a 50 year old heterosexual male. I am in no way homophobic. I believe gay people should have every right afforded to all people. I don’t want anyone to know anything about my sex life other than my partner. So I am having trouble understanding why it is so important to gay people that everyone know they are gay. The only time I think anyone needs to know someones sexual preferences is if they are about to have sex. Even then, if all parties agree to the sexual encounter their baseline sexual preference is no longer required knowledge. This is a sincere request for enlightenment. I greatly appreciate your consideration.


It's not that gay people want everyone to know what's going on in the bedroom. It's about being who they are and no longer having to hide in the closet. Like you said, you believe gay people should have every right afforded to all people. So if straight people can hold hands and show affection in public why can't gay people. It's no different.


I agree but I also think it would be hard to keep everyones sexual preference from being public knowledge. There are plenty of examples throughout one's day that represent the heterosexual lifestyle, from straight people holding hands walking down the street to their representation in various forms of media. A heterosexual couple won't get harassed or jeered at for their their public forms of affection as an LGBTQ person would experience. A good test to prove this would be for a straight person to go out in public holding a same sex friend's hand. I think if it seems like it is so important for gay people that everyone know they are gay it is because they are just being out and it is still uncomfortable for some people to accept.


Follow Up Question:
Hi, I’m the “50 year old heterosexual male” that asked the question about why it’s important to gay people that everyone know they are gay. I really want to thank you both for your intelligent and thoughtful responses to my question. You have both helped me on my path to enlightenment.I think this website is a fabulous idea and I wish you great success. I just gotta ask,is it happenstance that the names Kelly and Val are so androgynous or is that part of the plan to keep the heteros guessing? hehe. Either way I would be more than comfortable walking down the street holding hands with either of you! Sincere thanks!


Thanks for your nice reply. It's great to hear that this site is fulfilling it's purpose! To answer your question, these are our real names! All the best.

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