General Question and Answer Archive

I just recently moved to Wilton Manors, FL which is a mostly LGBT neighborhood. I am not gay but the other day I chose to go to Georgie’s Alibi which is a gay men’s bar with my str8 female friend and two gay males. I live very close to gay bars and like to walk to my watering holes. Do gay men mind if str8 people come to their bars? Like if me and my boyfriend went alone would they be upset. Is it supposed to be a woman free zone?


Thank you for your great question. I think it really represents an admirable concern for the well-being of others on your part, and I applaud that approach.

Let me assure you that you and your boyfriend are most welcome in gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered bars. You are as entitled to your sexuality and freedom of expression as we are. It would be morally reprehensible for any gay person to treat you as anything less than a complete equal in any fashion because of who you are. Discrimination against a majority is just as unacceptable as discrimination in favor of a majority. It is incumbent upon the gay community never to engage in reverse discrimination.

There's always going to be a nut or two in any large group; but a misguided nut here and there does not represent the vast majority of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered people.

Please know that you are welcome. Our community celebrates you for who you are. We are all the same; only our sexuality is different. You have friends waiting for you.



This is a good question. The gay community, like the straight community, is a diverse mix of people and this question is likely to illicit as many different answers as it would if the question was posed to straight people regarding straight bars. I am of the general belief and hope that there would be no ill will towards you and your b/f. However, since I have in times past been the recipient of a snide comment, not actually in a gay bar but on our gay streets, I'll just say if it happens to you please know it is not a reflection of our community as a whole.


As a woman my experience has always been a positive one when I've gone to gay bars that are dominated by men. Two pieces of advice - don't be jealous or offended if a guy hits on your boyfriend and keep the PDA to an absolute minimum. They aren't interested in seeing any of that. I think you will find that the men will be extremely friendly if you yourself are.

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